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Personal Edition Classic - antivir_workstation_win7u_en_h.exe OR download by local

AntiVir Personal Edition Classic - all in one package
for Windows 98/Me & NT/2000/XP

File name               avwinsfx.exe	 
File size               about 6 MByte

Command line scanner - ave32.exe

To reduce the download volume of the AntiVir Personal Edition, 
the command line scanner ave32.exe has been omitted from the package.

For you, this means a more compact AntiVir which can be downloaded faster!

If you wish to continue using the command line scanner ave32.exe, 
you can download it here.

Attention: In addition to this package, which contains the files ave32.exe, 
info.txt and hbedv.key, you will also need an up-to-date virus definition 
file (antivir.vdf). You will find the latest version of the antivir.vdf here
(hold down shift key while clicking on link) or in your current AntiVir 
directory (default: c:\Programme\AVPersonal\.)